Travel Notes App: create notes, trips and routes!

by M&C Solutions

Travel & Local


Organize your travels: save notes, create a diary and choose the itinerary✈🏨⛱🏰

Business travel? Free time travel? Travel for Passion? Organize your travels quickly and easily with TravelNotesApp 💯!CREATE TRAVELSChoose your departure date and create your trip; You just have to fill your "journey space" with the information you need!Inside the page you also have the option of attaching photos and documents; In this way you will have them at your fingertips when you need them.COLLECT THE NOTESWith our App you can attach notes to the trip. With the notes, you can also enable the "remember me" function, which activates the reception of notifications to keep in mind the important events!TRAVEL NOTES LET YOU TO:- Share trips and notes with another Travel Notes user- Save and print pdf of the entire trip or single note- Share the attachments externally- Have the function "Send photos to Travel Notes"- Review notifications- Have a list of shared and received content- Register as a user- Search for travel and notes- Have the path of your trip on map- Reach the places set in the notes- Find and get points of interest on the mapTRAVEL FUNCTIONALITY:- Insert notes- Added attachments- Path Map View- Road signs for note addresses- Color setting of travelFUNCTIONALITY OF NOTES:- Added attachments- Address accessible on map- Notifications near the eventbug fixing